What are we doing for lunch today?

"Come on guys, it's Friday. Let's go to Upstairs" - T. Koop

Monday, March 06, 2006

Veal Sangwich & Fishstick Sandwich

One of my favorite sandwiches is the Fishstick Sandwich, I think this is what I'll serve at my restaurant The DaVinci Cod. The recipe is pretty self-evident from the picture:

But, tonight I was Jonesin' for a veal sangwich, so I picked up uno from Bitondo's,where you get to wait on an orange lawn chair staring at the dirty floor or the Miss Pac-mac machine. But when you gets it, u kno it's worth that silent awkward wait ... and whatta deal ($5.00 + .75 for 'shrooms).



  • At 4:35 PM, Blogger Tim said…

    For lunch today I hit up San Francesco's across the street from Bitondo's for the same thing, sweet veal with mushrooms. The mushrooms cost a buck, but they were big and chunky. The sangwich is still $5 though.


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